

WikiLeaks is a multi-national media organization and associated library. It was founded by its publisher Julian Assange in 2006.


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Wikileaks asks not to use PGP when contacting WikiLeaksDo not use PGP to contact us. We have found that people use it in a dangerous manner. Further one of the Wikileaks key on several key servers is FAKE.WikiLeaks is a multi-national media organization and associated library. It was founded by its publisher Julian Assange in 2006.WikiLeaks specializes in the analysis and publication of large datasets of censored or otherwise restricted official materials involving war, spying and corruption. It has so far published more than 10 million documents and associated analyses.WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world& rsquo;s most persecuted documents. We give asylum to these documents, we analyze them, we promote them and we obtain more. - Julian Assange, Der Spiegel InterviewWikiLeaks has contractual relationships and secure communications paths to more than 100 major media organizations from around the world. This gives WikiLeaks sources negotiating power, impact and technical protections that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to achieve.Although no organization can hope to have a perfect record forever, thus far WikiLeaks has a perfect in document authentication and resistance to all censorship attempts.WikiLeaks, its publisher and its journalists have won many awards, including:The Economist New Media Award 2008The Amnesty New Media Award 2009TIME Magazine Person of the Year, People& rsquo;s Choice highest global vote 2010The Sam Adams Award for Integrity 2010The National Union of Journalists Journalist of the Year Hrafnsson 2011The Sydney Peace Foundation Gold Medal 2011The Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism 2011The Blanquerna Award for Best Communicator 2011The Walkley Award for Most Outstanding Contribution to Journalism 2011The Voltaire Award for Free Speech 2011The International Piero Passetti Journalism Prize of the National Union of Italian Journalists 2011The Jose Couso Press Freedom Award 2011The Privacy International Hero of Privacy 2012The Global Exchange Human Rights People& rsquo;s Choice Award 2013The Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts 2013The Brazillian Press Association Human Rights Award 2013The Kazakstan Union of Journalists Top Prize 2014
As well as nominations for the UN Mandela Prize 2015 and nominations in six consecutive years for the Nobel Peace Prize 2010-2015WikiLeaks is entirely funded by its publisher, its publication sales and the general public.WikiLeaks has more than one hundred other staff accross the Americas, Africa, Eurasia and the Asia Pacific.The WikiLeaks Files Verso, Sep 2015WikiLeaks legal team is lead by judge Baltasar Garzn in Europe and in the United States, Michael Ratner, president emeritus of Center for Constitutional Rights.WikiLeaks ongoing legal cases are best described in this UN report 2015 from the Center for Constitutional RightsJulian Assange& rsquo;s ongoing detention without charge is best described here: great library built from the courage and sweat of many has had a five-year confrontation with a powerpower without losing a single book. At the same time, these books have educated many, and in some cases, in a literal sense, let the innocent go free. - Julian Assange, Der Spiegel Interview

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